I'm so disilusioned....
Velociraptor Bad At Disemboweling
Scientists had long believed that Velociraptors used the curved appendage to disembowel prey.
But a robotic model showed that the claw was used in a fatal embrace to hang on to the victims, Phil Manning, from the University of Manchester, and colleagues report in the current issue of Biology Letters.
Made of steel, aluminium, carbon fiber and Kevlar, the robotic limb featured a hydraulic system to control movement and mimicked the kick that a 20-kilogram (44-pound) Velociraptor might have produced.
Impact on pig carcasses at both low and high speed contact only produced small, round puncture wounds that reached a depth of about 30-40 millimeter (1 to 1.5 inches).
"It seems highly unlikely that wounds of this depth would have posed a danger to the vital organs of a large herbivorous dinosaur, though they would obviously be fatal to small prey," the researchers wrote.
I want a job building robotic limbs to attack pig carcases....