Seeing that Hurricaine Wilma is possibly heading for Florida, where are all the people saying huffily, "Why do people live in a state where hurricaines hit all the time? Why should we pay for people who live on the coasts of Florida? We should make them move"?
t sick of people saying New Orleans shouldn't be rebuilt
I say "jacked up." And you know I'm down with the Youth Of Today.
OK, I made my cover page, and I have words on basically enough pages. The pages still need a lot of work, but I have all day (until 6) tomorrow, so I think I'm all set.
administrative law, admiralty, antitrust, arbitration, banking, bankruptcy, civil rights, constitutional law, environmental law, federal jurisdiction and procedure, First Amendment, health care law, Indian law, interstate commerce, labor law and patent and trade dress law."
Dude. He even alphabetized it.
...why are there no areas of law in the Ms and Ns? To say nothing of R, S, and V.
Oh hey, y'all, there's a new Letter of Fug up.
Seeing that Hurricaine Wilma is possibly heading for Florida, where are all the people saying huffily, "Why do people live in a state where hurricaines hit all the time? Why should we pay for people who live on the coasts of Florida? We should make them move"?
Well, you know. . . Florida is full of really old people who are going to die soon anyway, so we just don't care. . . right?
Allyson, that sample piece is fabulous and fascinating.
oh, gah. I'm going to bookmark this page, for when someone says I'm the suckiest of the suck.
thank dog for friends.
Around here, I've heard "jacked up" so I thought y'all must be Over It already.
We're not cool, you know.
It's why I think it's a compliment to be thought from Baltimore...of course that way I get to be "off the hook" instead.