I think vibrate-on-the-table is the best cellphone compromise anyway. It's audible, but not loud.
It's about four cubicle audible here, at least, and increases the likelihood I'll forget the damned thing here. For me, I'm going to try and remember to set it to vibrate, and leave it in my bag which lives under the desk.
Or something.
We now get corporate discounts on cars, and I poked around the site, and someone just called me to talk about it. Freaking stalkers. I don't want a car now. I just want to know how much a car would cost me now.
Quote's in the mail.
I miss my old phone with its single chime
You can't make yours do that? Mine'll do that.
Mine'll do ANYTHING.
I'll expect your phone over to paint my house this weekend.
Jesse, could you try to slightly shrink the sweater in the wash?
Ooh, what a great idea. It could shrink quite a great deal, and still fit. Except -- it's 100% acryllic. Does that shrink? It does say to wash in cold water.
Mine'll do ANYTHING.
Will it bring me a latte? No?
Then you've overstated. Why don't you just outrun a cheetah and make some sort of All or None statement about politics while you're at it?
You can't make yours do that? Mine'll do that.
There's no reason for it not to be a feature on all phones. Samsung had it, my "moto" doesn't.
could your phone go get me curly fries?
acrylic will not shrink. can you pull a section dawn the length of the back and stich or safety pin it up the inside as sort of a jacked up quick tailoring?
can you pull a section dawn the length of the back and stich or safety pin it up the inside as sort of a jacked up quick tailoring?
Um, I think that would look just as bad? Unless I really sewed it and cut out the excess. It's also too long. It's basically a big huge ribbed sweater.
OK FINE. It's not the perfect sweater. But! Only $2.35.
Ooh, what a great idea. It could shrink quite a great deal, and still fit. Except -- it's 100% acryllic. Does that shrink? It does say to wash in cold water.
Hmmm, dunno. fiber-images.com says
If the sweater is made of acrylic, it may not shrink. You can try soaking the sweater in water (or just wash it) and putting it in the dryer on heat to see if it will shrink. Check the dryer frequently to make sure it is not shrinking too much.
So, the worst that can happen if you try is that the sweater doesn't shrink at all.