Sometimes I want to kill people for being "helpful"...
In the show I just did, one character wears a watch. He doesn't look at the watch, he just wears it as part of the costume.
It broke on the second night.
The backstage costume person couldn't fix it. My student Assistant couldn't fix it. I went in the next day, and I couldn't fix it. I took it to FOUR watch repair places, they couldn't fix it. I look for a new watch, but all the ones that look right are around $40, which I feel isn't worth it for this tiny peice of characterness.
Stagemanager emails everyone all the things that broke. I email everyone back saying that I don't fell like the watch is worth repairing. Director emails me and asks me to explain how it is broken. I explain, and then he agrees with me that it isn't worth it to replace.
Then the prop person, who is irritating the shit out of me because a) the director (a gay man) keeps going on and on about how beautiful she is b) she is very earnest and helpful, instead of jaded and cranky like me and c) she can't #@$#ing seem to differentiate between costumes and props-- emails and says SHE can look for watches in a second hand store. So the director emails me and asks what I think. I say it isn't worth her time, but I can describe the watch to her, I guess.
I am sick of this damn watch, people. It isn't that important!
I like Dutton okay on the show. It isn't a perfect show by a long shot, but I don't think Dutton is worse than any of the others - with the except of Dinklage who is the best.
It's funny you say that, Laura, since for me grapefruit=run screaming from the room in loathing
Me, too, Robin. Hate the stuff. It's just way too sour for me.
Me, too, Robin. Hate the stuff. It's just way too sour for me.
Even the pink stuff? Even if you sprinkle sugar on it?
I can't eat grapefruit, as one or more of the drugs I take has warnings that if I do, my head will explode.
Even the pink stuff? Even if you sprinkle sugar on it?
I have to pour sugar all over it, a sprinkle isn't anywhere near enough. And, at that point, I figure that I might as well have a doughnut.
Sophia, why does the watch need to be fixed at all? I'm assuming by "broken" you mean "has stopped" or "doesn't tell time correctly", not "has springs and bits of machinery falling out of it". As long as it looks okay, what's the problem?
Oh no-- the band broke off the watch.... It does not look OK! It in fact also does not tell time, and the watch repair people thought I was craxy because I just wanted them to fix or replace the band.
I may have signed myself up to rewrite "The Music Man" with John and Rodney.
gives new meaning to "Seventy-Six Trombones", I think
Oh no-- the band broke off the watch.... It does not look OK! It in fact also does not tell time, and the watch repair people thought I was craxy because I just wanted them to fix or replace the band.
Oh, gotcha. I thought maybe the director or the actor wanted the watch to work because it would, I don't know, help the actor stay in character or something. Which, while a laudable attitude for, say, the
Lord of the Rings
movies, maybe doesn't have to extend all the way down to university theatre on a tight budget.
I am also extra cranky today because I am doing data entry in a database where I have to PAGE THROUGH ALL THE RECORDS to see if I am entering a duplicate!
Also, the heat in my apartment is not working (I pay for it), so I need to clean my kitchen so I can call the landlord. I am-- it hasn't gone below 55 in the apartment, but much colder and I'll be worrying about the kitty. (although I do have to say that last night I was quite toasty with just a comforter and the cat. )