Hooray for Gothic Charm School! Love it.
Dad told me how, when he was in high school in 1959, they brought in television sets into the study halls to watch the Sox in the World Series so that kids wouldn't skip school to watch the game.
That's awesome.
OMG total yummy grapefruit. IS YUM!
Dagnabbit, I meant to bring in a grapefruit. PS: Why are they called that? Where's the grape?
all your grapefruits are belong to me.
Hooray for Gothic Charm School! Love it.
What Jesse said! Nice to have that back, Jilli!
I know I've read most of the GSC pieces before, and lord knows I'm not a Goth (although someone recently described my tattoo as Goth -- I was like, yeah, not so much), but I could read it ALL DAY LONG. Advice columns really are my biggest comfort reading.
all your grapefruits are belong to me.
Flea, I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing in class. Horse with No Name jokes may be one of those categories that never get old.
Not that we should test it.
Yay for GCS! Stuff to read in class!
Owen and I got to sit down with my Dad Saturday night and watch the game. It was so incredible. Dad told me how, when he was in high school in 1959, they brought in television sets into the study halls to watch the Sox in the World Series so that kids wouldn't skip school to watch the game.
One reason why baseball is popular -- there's such personal memories mixed in with the games. My mom used to tell us that the head of the fire department ordered the city sirens be turned on when the Sox won the game that got them into the World Series in 1959. It caused a panic -- this was during the Cold War.
Celebrity Bulge Blog. For those who might be interested in such things. It has that Jamie Bamber, FYI.
I like how in the link to the BSG towel scene, the headline is, "Show us the arrow of Apollo, Jamie Bamber!"
(You'd have to watch BSG to get that.)
how dumb am I that I thought is was just gonna be a site of overweight celebs. BAD Jesse, no biscuit.