I hate Ozzie Guillen. I think he's a prick. But I'm rooting for the nasty, brutish, and short Sox anyway.
DW, I hardly know you!! If it does end up being White Sox/Astros, it will be a "Which ex-Red Sox do you dislike less?" marathon in Boston. I think now, in the fulness of time, most in the Hub can forgive Roger Clemens for not taking a crap contract to stay, although they may never forgive him for going to the Yankees later. Carl Everett, OTOH, left behind no fans.
I got no horse in that race, so I can dislike the White Sox on their merits. I do enjoy watching El Duque pitch, though, in part because I am convinced he will someday accidentally kick himself in the face while winding up.
And if the Cards pull off the miracle and charge back, you'll have the South Side vs. the Cardinal Nation, meaning you'll have monster ratings throughout the Midwest.
And you will have die-hard Cub fans unable to figure out who to root against. (Although the Sox-hating Cub fans are a smaller group than the Cub-hating White Sox fans. The Hobson's Choice for them would be if the Cubs got into the World Series against the Yankees.)
Cute Annabel pictures!
I had a pretty great weekend. Good class on Saturday, then I went to a party on Saturday night with a bunch of people from my school. There are several people from Kosovo who are spending a semester at my school, with the intention of going back to Prishtina (the capital) and improving their library, so the party on Saturday was for everyone to get to hang out and talk to each other, and the Kosovar students gave a short presentation on the history of Kosovo. Interesting stuff.
But the most exciting part of my weekend was on Sunday, when I met James Howe--author of
I am happy to report that he is a totally great guy.
I got no horse in that race, so I can dislike the White Sox on their merits.
What is there to dislike about the White Sox? They are probably the best baseball story of this season.
What is there to dislike about the White Sox? They are probably the best baseball story of this season.
Aw, come on. Everybody needs to have irrational dislikes.
I want the White Sox to take it all. It's been since 1917, right? Their fans have waited long enough. And next year? The Cubbies.
The Hobson's Choice for them would be if the Cubs got into the World Series against the Yankees.
Narrator, what does
Hobson's Choice
But the most exciting part of my weekend was on Sunday, when I met James Howe--author of Bunnicula! I am happy to report that he is a totally great guy.
Jilli will be so jealous!
On the subway in this morning, a girl 2 seats away was wearing the same shirt as me. we both laughed.
Hobson's choice is like, Would I like to be beaten to death by an avalanche of yo-yos, or die in a terrible Zamboni accident? Either way, death and indignity, so it's not much of a choice.
What is there to dislike about the White Sox?
Hey, my dislike is totally rational. The catcher is a shmuck who looks like my old (hated) boss, and they
wear black socks
despite being called the White Sox. On that basis alone, they deserve only pity and contempt.
Also, I think Garland and Buerhle both are riding lucky streaks rather than being truly as dominating as they seem. A win's a win any way you get it, but it's much more fun to watch a win well-made than one pulled out of the hindparts of Fate.