I remember being 10ish and having to go to bed at 8 when it was still light. And being all resentful. Then falling asleep.
It wasn't until high school I got to dictate my hours, and even then, the preference was 10 pm (because that's when the parents crashed) but I got dispensations for when I was to be out later. I remember ONCE staying up until 11 before that, finishing a project when I was 13 or 14. It was on Billy the Kid. That was the night the neighbors' house across the street burned down . I ended up getting 3 hours sleep and not going in to turn in the project, due to the lack of sleep. And the freaking firemen and police parked in our livingroom (the neighbors got out and were brought to our house.)
OMG. I just had one of the best meals EVAH with Beth B and Matt. We went here: [link] and had five spice rolls, mango snapper, chicken satay, and chili crab.
I feel like I may never need to eat again, and I can't wait to go back.
So, I walked all over the city today with the parents, which was good, but now I'm EXHAUSTED, due also to not nearly enough sleep last night. But it was fabulous weather, and we had a lovely time, even though we failed to get the cheap Wicked tickets. Also found the perfect midtown afternoon snack place that I really really hope I remember about the next time I have that issue.
Yay! (except for the tired part). Did you all squee a lot about your fabulous week?
Perkins beat me to the link... mmmm damn good food.
wait - perkins - you can be on the mailing list where they talk about freebies... and new food....mmm...
we killed 'em all ded Perkins. and we didn't even explain chili crab - one of those dishes you forget you are eating in public...
I think you're right, beth. Maybe they are all too jealous for words. (if they aren't, they should be.)
New York Times
publishes a long article, explaining what they and Judith Miller were up to. Neither the NYT nor Miller come across positively in the article: [link]
Asked what she regretted about The Times's handling of the matter, Jill Abramson, a managing editor, said: "The entire thing."
Douglas Frantz, who succeeded Mr. Engelberg as the investigative editor, said that Ms. Miller once called herself "Miss Run Amok."
"I said, 'What does that mean?' " said Mr. Frantz, who was recently appointed managing editor at The Los Angeles Times. "And she said, 'I can do whatever I want.' "
You aint kidding, Tom. When the Times does an 8-segment-long piece, that is a sign that it realizes how badly it has messed up. Those conclusing paragraphs, especially -- yeah, what exactly
you accomplish, folks? Aside from mangle your own reputation further, and alienate your employees.
In other news, I would like to be a major league umpire. The only job requirement seems to be the ability to look good in black, and a willingness to get in the way of third basemen. I can do both of these things pretty easily, and it would be a nice raise for me.
In other other news, I am awake at 2am. Why? I do not know!!