but whether your own ass was on the line or not is more variable.
I've also heard local sportswriters use it against each other: "So-and-so isn't that bad. Don't throw him under the bus before he gets some more playing time." -- unless, by synechdoche, we're holding the newsman responsible for the team, it's just a "don't be harshing on the dude like that" sense.
I'm still trying to figure out why Jose Canseco was at the Serenity thing. So weird.
He's a giant famewhore?
Oh, funnest part was walking the red carpet with ita, Kat, and Kristen. It was hilarious.
I asked SM's publicist about her client's musculature. She smiled and said "He does yoga." A lot, I'm thinking. Mmm.
This is the kind of thing that makes me wish you'd seen him puking drunk or strung out on coke or something, because I don't need to find that man more attractive. It can't be healthy.
I dislike wireimage not letting me see big pictures.
Oh, funnest part was walking the red carpet with ita, Kat, and Kristen. It was hilarious.
I really want to see pictures of that.
funnest part was walking the red carpet with ita, Kat, and Kristen. It was hilarious.
Dude, the bit where (4) people started yelling Colin's name so he went over, and they squeed and did the whole "I've seen all your stuff! You're the best Patrick EVER." would have made my night all by itself.
The actual walking the red carpet? WEIRD.
There's the Avid Gamer podcast done by kids: [link]
Also Radio WillowWeb done by kids: [link]
The universe totally owes me a nap.