I'll probably have to wait until it goes to DVD to see it.
DH has offered to give me a whole night of Serenity when it gets to the theatre here--including a night by myself in a hotel and going to see the movie. But the bad thing is that it's premiering here next week and we have a wedding to attend, so I'm going to have to put that off.
And I'm not sure how I feel about staying out by myself (even though this is an attempt at giving me a break).
I knew what Nutty was talking about, but then I already knew the whole story of Palmeiro's narcing on his buddy. That probably cost him a few more HoF votes with the sportswriters. Bad enough to get tarred, but to try and drag your teammate under? Bad form.
Lastname-czewski. "czew" being pronounced "shef", god bless the Poles.
There are dogs in a couple of bars in my hood occasionally. Not often enough for me to feel comfortable bringing my own.
Although the expression probably began in the specific sense in which I used it -- offer up a sacrifical victim in your own stead --, it has been generalized to mean "wash your hands of so-and-so, usually for not a good enough reason."
I've heard it and used it, more in the first sense than the second. Or rather, I'd say it's always getting someone busted or exposing their part in a screw up, but whether your own ass was on the line or not is more variable.
I wonder if there are cool podcasts for kids. Like...Dr. Demento or something.
I'd be willing to bet that there is. If there isn't I think there should be.
I'm still trying to figure out why Jose Canseco was at the Serenity thing. So weird.
I asked SM's publicist about her client's musculature. She smiled and said "He does yoga." A lot, I'm thinking. Mmm.
So what she's saying is that in addition to looking like that, he's reeeeally flexible too?
I'm still trying to figure out why Jose Canseco was at the Serenity thing. So weird.
He's totally stalking me.
So what she's saying is that in addition to looking like that, he's reeeeally flexible too?
Makes your mind wander, doesn't it?
I'm still trying to figure out why Jose Canseco was at the Serenity thing. So weird.
Speaking of that, why was NPH there, and was the cutie from Numb3rs there?
Lastname-czewski. "czew" being pronounced "shef", god bless the Poles.
We have a friend who's name ends in "wicz" which is pronounced "vitch". I'm not certain, but I'm guessing it's Polish.