So you're not thinking it was a condom failure, huh? Buncha skeptics.
It bears considering that he didn't impregnate his prior wives but managed to get Katie within mere months.
It's funny, are they even seen together these days? I try to avoid paparazzi shots because they started to make me feel dirty.
It bears considering that he didn't impregnate his prior wives but managed to get Katie within mere months.
Nicole miscarried shortly after their break-up was announced. [link]
It bears considering that he didn't impregnate his prior wives but managed to get Katie within mere months.
There was Nicole's end-of-marriage pregnancy miscarriage, which was said to be his.
Why do I fill my brain with this crap?
Because you have mine. We must have switched.
Aimee, I feel much better knowing that was a crosspost.
I am not alone!
oh look it's after 8, must be time for me to leave work. ugh and bleagh.
I totally did not know that.
Personally, I think Katie Holmes is preggers with the Antichrist.
Who will be a short, perky, and vaguely gay Antichrist. That is not how I envisioned the usherer-in-of-the-End-Times to be. I thought he was going to be tall, dark, straight, and look like Christopher Walken.
While we're already in the used condoms and turkey baster arena, I have a question for the hivemind. Why do (some? all?) dogs need their anal glands expressed periodically? This was referred to in a novel I was reading, and also on a blog, and WHY? Do all dogs need this?
signed, cat person if they do.
The first time they were unused, in crisp packaging, until Steph showed up.
I was just trying to help you keep it real, yo.
(The "it" to which I refer being, of course, the Prince ensemble for Halloween.)