I'm just pointing out that the image of the unquestionably heterosexual actor might be reinforced in the public's eyes if there were visual proof of said unquestionable heterosexuality. What's actionable about that?
I didn't even mention how Cruise lost the lawsuit against the porn actor's wife when she sold the story of a torrid affair with her hubby causing her marital problems to tabloids.
Oops, spoke too soon...
must remember to ask shrift out if and/or when we meet. just cause.
Today got really really busy. I want a nap.
Crap. I'm coming down with a cold. I DONT HAVE TIME FOR A COLD.
My popup book is going well so far, but I think I need some more sparkly things, and perhaps some felt.
Fun project. Highly recommended.
The director of "Day After Tomorrow" takes on a movie set in 10,000 BC.
did you have a book that showed how to do it?
you should come to NY and we can have a crafty weekend.
My popup book is going well so far,
Make sure you get lots of sleep. And buy plenty of kleenex and cold drugs in excess, more than you'll ever need. It worked for bon's back.
My officemate comes in at 7 and so is gone by 3:30 or so. CRAZY.
must remember to ask shrift out if and/or when we meet. just cause.
That would be new and exciting! My livejournal icons get propositioned more than I do these days.
you should come to NY and we can have a crafty weekend.
I would love this so much.
did you have a book that showed how to do it?
I have a book on how to do the mechanisms, but the binding I'm still sort of unclear on. If all else fails, I'll just use a paper punch and wire wrapped in ribbon to bind it.
It's a birthday gift. It's 12 pages (heavy black paper), the left pages are little poems I wrote for the story on this opal sort of paper, which I cut into amoeba shapes and pasted to the black. I got wee sparkly rhinestoney things and sprinkled them around the border of the poems.
Then the opposite pages have wheels, pulls, and popups that have something to do with the poem in the story.
Also a hotbed of the Klan in the twenties/thirties. (Dunno if that's still true.)
The Klan was huge in the Teens, 20s and 30s throughout the country. Oklahoma impeached their governor in 1923 because he took an anti-Klan stance, including enacting a ban against wearing masks in public. (The Klan bit is always waved around, but he was a pretty corrupt guy who spent most of his year in office spending the coffers dry.) The Klan also had a cameo appearance in the 1921 Greenwood Riot; many of the white citizenry who showed up to lynch Dick Rowland were Klan members, and the publishers of the Tulsa Tribune (whose headline that afternoon was "TO LYNCH A N----R TONIGHT") were active in the Klan.
In Colorado, the president of CU threatened to take the university private several times due to the Klan wanting to take control of the university. George Norlin is remembered as the greatest president of CU for telling the Klan off, though it was really more a political stance since the Klan controlled the Colorado Legislature and he didn't want politicians telling him how to run his school.
That sounds really neat, Allyson.
I'm avoiding a pointless meeting. Watch me avoid! I just ducked as my department head went by.