Yes, and now you all can hack into they'll-kill-me-and-you servers now.
I've just always had this theme (a very obscure one at that, and known only to me) that I've used for passwords. But it reached its end with the last iteration. So, now I have to come up with another theme, equally as obscure and easy for me to remember.
I just spent 20 minutes waiting on hold for the help desk because the automated password reset hadn't worked. Because I'm both impatient and enabled (fear me), I decided to call the help desk again on my Blackberry. The automated password reset, no joke, went through
as the support rep picked up my call. Turns out the system came up somewhere during my eternity of hold music.
Alleged Naked Burglar Asks for Shorts
Quayle said a man house-sitting for his father found Kopsaftis standing naked in an upstairs room holding two rifles belonging to the homeowner.
The victim told sheriff's deputies that he got the rifles away from the man, who ran away, but not before stopping outside to ask for clothes, Quayle said.
Unrelatedly, I think I'll have sushi for lunch today.
Indiana! How your roots shine.
I have never been so ashamed to have been born a Hoosier. *sigh*
Hey, on the upside, you're not at risk of a leaked sex tape. Are you?
I don't understand for celebs what the upside of a sex tape is, that it overrides the risk of losing it.
sara, um maybe a series of books or movies, or schools you attended, or your favorite friends in the box.
ita, your link is to virtual model.
I have never been so ashamed to have been born a Hoosier. *sigh*
Californians have their share of shame!
Eugenic Sterilization Laws
Paul Lombardo, University of Virginia
While some eugenicists privately supported practices such as euthanasia or even genocide, legally-mandated sterilization was the most radical policy supported by the American eugenics movement. A number of American physicians performed sterilizations even before the surgery was legally approved, though no reliable accounting of the practice exists prior to passage of sterilization laws. Indiana enacted the first law allowing sterilization on eugenic grounds in 1907, with Connecticut following soon after. Despite these early statutes, sterilization did not gain widespread popular approval until the late 1920s.
Advocacy in favor of sterilization was one of Harry Laughlin’s first major projects at the Eugenics Record Office. In 1914, he published a Model Eugenical Sterilization Law that proposed to authorize sterilization of the "socially inadequate" – people supported in institutions or "maintained wholly or in part by public expense. The law encompassed the "feebleminded, insane, criminalistic, epileptic, inebriate, diseased, blind, deaf; deformed; and dependent" – including "orphans, ne'er-do-wells, tramps, the homeless and paupers." By the time the Model Law was published in 1914, twelve states had enacted sterilization laws.
By 1924, approximately 3,000 people had been involuntarily sterilized in America; the vast majority (2,500) in California. That year Virginia passed a Eugenical Sterilization Act based on Laughlin’s Model Law. It was adopted as part of a cost-saving strategy to relieve the tax burden in a state where public facilities for the "insane" and "feebleminded" had experienced rapid growth. The law was also written to protect physicians who performed sterilizing operations from malpractice lawsuits. Virginia’s law asserted that "heredity plays an important part in the transmission of insanity, idiocy, imbecility, epilepsy and crime…" It focused on "defective persons" whose reproduction represented "a menace to society."
I'll note that historically this sterilization movement was a common way to strike at miscegenation, which is at the root of the commonly held notion in some black communities that birth control is an evil plan by whitey to breed them out. Sounds crazy now, but it pretty much was the evil plan by whitey.