Msbelle, it is my curse to bear.
Aimee, Clovis shirts may occur in the distant future but they'd be a subsiduary store. Everything going up at the moment is created from a batch of design elements I've made over the last few months. To start in on a Clovis design would take design time i don't have at the moment.
So, eventually, yes.
t pouts
t waves wand and makes for time for Pete
Patience, Aimee. Still plenty of good things for the Gothic Charm School Store yet...
Perfectionists are adorable!
Perfectionists are adorable!
There's a hot place waiting for you, missy.
And I ain't talking about the Caribbean.
Ooo! Now that's a tattoo I would get!
ION, Bush is using the flu as an excuse to get Congress to change the law, so that he can use the military to enforce quarantines on people and regions in the United States. [link]
Considering 65 people have died of this worldwide, that's a pretty flimsy excuse.
I don't think he's planning on leaving office. I certainly don't think he has the interests of the nation at heart.
I don't think he's planning on leaving office. I certainly don't think he has the interests of the nation at heart.
If you think that Bush should leave office at the end of his term, you obviously hate America. And God too.
From awhile back:
My IT guy told me yesterday that he does not have a computer at home.
A lot of people are disappointed when they ask what kind of system I have at home and find out it's not remotely high end. My explanation has always been I spend all day fixing computers. When I get home, I just want a system that works. That and I work IT for healthcare. I don't make any where near the money people expect me to. The idea of spending more than a hundred dollars on any single component makes me choke.
ION, Bush is using the flu as an excuse to get Congress to change the law, so that he can use the military to enforce quarantines on people and regions in the United States.
So Bush's response to a pandemic would be to send the armed forces in to take over and control the affected people and area. Well, if that works as well as his Iraq plan, we can expect virii shedding folk on every street corner.