(Which is how I know of the wailing and gnashing of teeth involved in naming it. He said he first threatened to propose the name Goofy for what became Charon just to watch people go wacko.)
This kills me. Once upon a time, wee!Katie was playing children's Trivial Pursuit. The question was "who is Pluto?" I said that Pluto was the ninth planet in the solar system, or else the Greek God of the underworld.
"No," said my friend, looking at me kind of funny, "Pluto is Goofy's dog."
And thus, my path was set.
I love the cafepress custom postage, but SO EXPENSIVE!
I love the cafepress custom postage, but SO EXPENSIVE!
I know, I know. It drives me crazy.
Clyde was quite the joker. Also? His office was condemned by the fire marshal.
am I gonna have to go into Bureau and make a proposal about the board's official line wrt to Pluto?
I love the cafepress custom postage, but SO EXPENSIVE!
Yeah, we figure that people might want them for occasional special things they want to ship and that'll be it. Chances are it'll be the first portion of the shop that'll be weeded out when we look at sales 6 months or so from now.
(uh, that was to msbelle)
I'll make Patsy Tombaugh come and kick all y'all.
I want a t-shirt!! I CAN'T WAIT!!
Will there be Clovis t-shirts??