I thought our solar system's recently discovered 10th planet was going to be called Sedna, after the Inuit goddess. When did it get named Xena?
Xena is the informal name. There's a whole process that needs to happen before it gets its official name.
eta: xpost
I'm totally naming my kid She-Ra. People can pretend it's regular like Shira, but I'll know she's the Princess of Power.
Now I have a completely different view of Judge Shira Scheindlin.
I'm just...well..fucking speechless. Is this the Administration's way of getting people to conserve energy? After Cheney says conservation is a "personal virture" rather than a sound basis for energy policy?
It'd be funny if it weren't so fucking pathetic.
It didn't officially get named anything yet. Well, except 2003 UB313.
Official naming takes commissions and meetings and approvals and people get bent over the silliest things. That's just what the astronomers studying it are calling it. Like I call thanksgiving turkeys Fred. Astronomers use a lot of whacky names.
It would be interesting if what is used in casual/popular speak sticks. I think you'll have to gag & bind the IAU and kill off a few grumpy old goats for it to happen.
As I've said before, I gave up brontosaurus but I am not giving up Pluto as a planet. We're allowed to make exceptions, dammit.
I can't give up Pluto, either. I mean, I grew up playing chinese checkers with its discoverer. (Which is how I know of the wailing and gnashing of teeth involved in naming it. He said he first threatened to propose the name Goofy for what became Charon just to watch people go wacko.)
There is a fire in the building next to ours. We all smell it and now we are getting announcements in our building: "Attention Attention, there is NOT a fire in this building. Repeat, the building is NOT on fire." Calming.
ION, I just packaged up something to mail to Bumpass, VA. Bump Ass. huh huh.
I'm not even giving up brontosaurus. Screw them, and the metric system they rode in on.