I know the Kal-el thing has been covered, but I just realized what you all have been talking about.
The 41-year-old actor and his wife, a former sushi waitress about 20 years his junior, met at a nightclub last year before marrying on July 30, 2004.
10 kittens says she had no idea at first.
He also said "I'm on the computer enough as it is," at which point I knew I was talking to a crazy person and got the hell out of there.
I work with people like this. Including DH. I don't associate my working on computer stuff with my enjoying my computer stuff at all. Whole different vibe.
10 kittens says she had no idea at first.
Yeah. You know, if he couldn't afford private schools, body guards, and didn't live out on the wrong coast to begin with, his child would be getting daily beatings by the time he was 7 (if not before).
Cause who wouldn't want to say they beat up Superman?
Seriously, that kid has a bit to live up to.
Just noticed that the playoffs have started.
I'd be surprised if the Padres won a game.
Poor Padres. Don't harsh on my Petco Park friends. (Really, Petco, like where the pets go. I always wondered if the home team players were required to have at least one dog or cat each. What a commercial; tie-in opportunity!!)
Time machine for sale
The best part is the buyer comments.
I've got a space continuum transfunctioner.
Its mystery is exceeded only by its power.
I'm totally naming my kid She-Ra. People can pretend it's regular like Shira, but I'll know she's the Princess of Power.