OMTG, he just said he was disappointed in the number of votes he got from the black community, because he put black people into positions of authority.
I hate to admit it, but Bush put more people of color into positions of real power (well, then he took it away when they did't agree with him) than any of his predecessors. Of course, that doesn't mean that the rest of his policies were good for black people.
What is the name of that book again? (can't get the damned page to load fully. HATE BAD CODE)
It's something I could get for my dad's birthday. Which is saturday. Not what I'm forgetting, though.
FUCHA Portuguese
To use company time and resources for one's own purposes.
Finally, someone realizes the concept needs its own word.
It'll be late. But it's always late.
Now Tim Russert just called Avian flu "Evian" flu. I swear.
Is Bush saying he's
something for the appointments he's made? It's one thing to say, okay, my administration made an effort to hire more diverse people. But you can't say that and be against affirmative action at the same time.
Time machine for sale
The best part is the buyer comments.
I've got a space continuum transfunctioner. Would you consider swaping it for that? It's a bit rough and ready and blows a little bule smoke but appears to be running ok.
space continuum transfunctioners are old school. I used to have one and it blew blue smoke too, just before it blew up. Get rid of it now.
Ha! Call me an amateur. I just fixed my time machine. All I had to do was put the AA batteries in the other way round and now it goes forwards in time! See you suckers later, Im going back to the future. Oh and as a heads up to the winner of this auction everything in the future is chrome
Please note AA batteries were only invented in 1968 so dont go back beyond this time. Also they will be phased in 2010 due to the invention of the organic fuel cell, brought on by the severe depletion of the worlds battery resources. So dont go forward in time past this date.