I went to bed early and slept late. I feel a bit better.
I was also crafty last night and got some potential holiday gifts made. Whee!
For some reason, they still want me to work at work. I want to putz around on the internets and run personal errands. Why can't they accomodate me?
What about @@^∞?
To me, that says, "an infinite number of eyes, rolling."
Hey, the President is on tv right now, and he's telling us how strong her character is. And isn't that what's really important on the SCOTUS?
You need Strong Character in order to Stay the Course. Freedom is On the March, and Strong Character lays out the parade route. Strong Character insures that Evildoers Can Run, But They Can't Hide.
Note the date on this picture. August 6, 2001: the Presidential briefing included the document titled "BIN LADEN DETERMINED TO STRIKE IN US".
What about @@^∞?
To me, that says, "an infinite number of eyes, rolling."
I think you're reading it wrong, then. Clearly, there are two eyes rolling, it blatantly says so, and it is their rolling that is raised to the power of infinity. It's all right there in plain English.
OMTG, he just said he was disappointed in the number of votes he got from the black community,
he put black people into positions of authority.
I bet some of his best friends are black, too.
Glad you are feeling better, missy.
I keep trying that "go to bed earlier" thing. I'm not so good at managing it. I'm always up and putzing still at 11:45.
Can someone please tell me what it was besides coffee filters I needed to get at the store on my way home? For TWO DAYS, I've known there was something else, but damned if I can remember what.
There is a reason I make lists.