there's something to be said for the Dems to sit out for a day or two and let the Republicans devour their own
There's a lot of blood in the water right now, and the sharks are moving. DeLay is saying "I have just as much power as ever!" and others are saying, "How fast and how far do we have to go to be clear of the shit that's coming down?"
I can accept that strategy bon bon. I just wish I could believe it was a strategy.
The first marriage proposal by search engine: [link]
Nicknames granted by President George W. Bush >[link]
Tangent Man? Corndog? El Grande Jorge? Congressman Kick-Ass?
I'm with bon bon on Bush's anti-abortion stance, so I'm guessing he knows her position on the issue.
Even she MUST know that she's not qualified.
Er, but *is* she unqualified? I mean, how low is the bar set? Thomas is considered qualified, right? How does she measure up to him when he was first nominated?
"There's no question, at least in my mind, that this is the finest airline art ever conceived," said Bill MacKay, the company's Anchorage-based senior vice president. "People will just be amazed at the detail."
Alaskan Airlines' new "Salmon-thirty-salmon." [link]
Popping in before sundown to wish everyone a K'tiva V'Chatima Tovah (may you be inscribed for good), and a happy sweet new year to all.
OMG Bush is such a frat boy! Pootie Poot and Turd Blossom!
And yet the funny part? He comes up with better names than George Lucas.