it would require slighty more effort for me to keep them straight.
Well, I think the idea of calling them anything other than master/slave is stupid. Well, no, pointless. One drive doesn't actually control the other one, but who cares? Entrenched usage, and I really find offense a reach here.
Master/servant? Is that too close? Superior/inferior?
So...Harriet Miers. Not a crazy conservative ideologue. Might not even uproot Roe. But a thoroughly mediocre pick for the court.
Is it even advantageous for the Dems to fight it? She's way better for my politics than smart guy right wingers like Michael McConnell or Michael Luttig.
Go Mediocre! Go America!
I don't think the Dems will fight it.
That might result in too many techies earwormed with Depeche Mode.