KAL EL???? C'mon -- you can be a geek, but try and be stealth about it, for god's sake.
Though, it would crack me up if there were a rash of celebs reporting ludicrous names for their perfectly normally named kids.
I have a lot of shopping and little time. Dammit, I thought the ceremony was week after next.
Must leave now and do very responsible things, but I DON'T WANNA!
(ETA: Damn. Jor, Kal, sometimes I get confused.)
The rush to name the Garner-Affleck child begins! With their taste, the poor kid will be named Yastrzemski Ortiz Lastnames. And be a girl.
I wonder if he'll go by Clark?
With their taste, the poor kid will be named Yastrzemski Ortiz Lastnames.
They seem so charming! Are they reputed for crap taste (I'm not including teabagging here -- that should be irrelevant. Please let it be irrelevant).
Our floor vibrates. I think it's due to flimsy construction, and not anything actually fun.
Our floor has never vibrated before, and the skies are clear and unwindy. There are absolutely no construction noises going on whatsoever.
So basically my coworker and I are doing the WTF?JurassicPark! stare at the concentric rings showing up in our water bottles.
If Nick Cage were more of a geek, he would have named his son Luke.
If Nick Cage were more of a geek, he would have named his son Luke.
No, if Nick Cage were cooler and more sly, you mean.
Those ONTD comments make me think he named himself after Luke Cage, so maybe he's just spreading the love around.