I don't suppose anyone know what Yule's coefficient Q is? Or does?
It measures the strength of association for categorical data. It is most often used by epidemiologists looking at the association between a dichotomous risk factor (e.g. urban versus rural) and the presence or absence of a disease. If you think of it the same way as an ordinary correlation you won't be far off.
Only my boss would self-describe as having his "knickers in a twist." Hee! He just came over and I was reading Gawker, but honestly, what else could I be doing?
So it's possible Cheney - and Bush himself - may be charged with criminal conspiracy.
Maybe this is why Bush wants as many good buddies on the Supreme Court as possible. [Note: I have no real idea of a criminal conspiracy case involving Cheney, Bush, et al would actually go to the Supreme Court.]
there are important things going on in this world ... I know that . however - one more smoke dectector is chirping. Why not replace all the batteries? I have 4 smoke dectors ( all within 10 feet of each other) and 3 batteries.
The floor keeps vibrating. Not enough to be enjoyable, but enough to be disconcerting.
Universal's plan re: Serenity was always a limited theatrical release followed by making the real money on DVD sales. It's not "bad news" for a film to be performing exactly as its producers/distributor expected it to.
In other news from my job, they did order big logo envelopes after all. The stickers must have been a stop-gap measure. Phew!!
It's not strange that smoke detector batteries are running out of juice just now -- we just passed the autumnal equinox, and the recommended time to change them is on the seasonal change. So whoever had the batteries installed last time must have changed them all together at the same time.
"George Bush Hates Conservative People."
How you know when attempting to please all of the people has resulted in pleasing none of them.
The only thing that scares me about this Harriet Miers person thus far is the fact that her last name is spelled so weirdly. I keep imagining Justice Roberts putting corrigenda marks on every memo she writes, and her having to stet her name every time.
Actually, that would be funny. But only for nerds.