cynically, I wonder if the off the wagon rumors are to justify his dumb ass stupid behavior over the last few weeks as being the result of a disease relapse rather than being the dumbest ass dumb ass that ever walked the planet.
"Oh, I KNEW the leader of the Free World couldn't be that frightfully, offensively, dangerously stupid and unaware! NOW I see what the problem is. Poor guy."
so that he may face his triumphs and mistakes both with equanimity.
I'm sorry, have you met our current president? There's no amount of sober that'll do that, as far as I can tell.
Unless they are setting GWB up so that Cheney can take over.
Unless they are setting GWB up so that Cheney can take over
"I felt a disturbance in the force, of millions of souls crying out in terror . . ."
Unless we can jigger with Cheney's heart medications, put him in the hospital, and pull in Condi to give the Good Ol' Boys aneurysms.
"It's not only a woman in charge! It's a black woman!"
LALALALA - Not going to let my super happy FRIDAY get derailed.
I think I want pie for lunch dessert. I am not sure of a good pie source nearby.
I think Cheney's aware that he cuts a disastrous figure as a leader, which is why he disappears for months on end. Even to a republican audience, he comes across as a vaguely sinister man; although that can be turned to advantage in an audience expecting to like you (He is the unpleasant toad that keeps us all safe!), it doesn't tend to play well to the middle.
I'm sorry, have you met our current president? There's no amount of sober that'll do that, as far as I can tell.
All right, I'd like for him to face his poll numbers with equanimity, how's that? It's probably a bit much to expect actual self-reflection from a public figure, but I do expect alert and reactive consciousness when good news and bad news come knocking.
It's probably a bit much to expect actual self-reflection from a public figure
I'm sure there are plenty of public figures that can have as much self-reflection as us mundanes. They mightn't do it where we can see it, but I don't do it where they can see it either. I don't think lack of perspective is a requirement for the gig.
Unless they are setting GWB up so that Cheney can take over.
See, it's thoughts like this that lead me to conclude there's not enough foil in the world, and if there is, I can't afford it. That is to say, that's what I'm afraid of.
Unless we can jigger with Cheney's heart medications, put him in the hospital, and pull in Condi to give the Good Ol' Boys aneurysms.
Actually, Hastert is after Cheney.
Someone who thinks that certain cities should not be allowed to exist.
It's not good to think of Our Leader going on a bender.
Eh. Shrub is just a hand puppet. I truly believe that.
(He is the unpleasant toad that keeps us all safe!)