Once, at my very first full time job, the elevators were shut down for no discernible reason. So I took the stairs. The reason got itself discerned, all right -- there was a glue fire in the shoe store that was feeding right into the stairwell. Not only did I get to leave early, I had to go to the ER.
Phone call was made. Onto next task.
I haven't done any tasks today. Yay!
thanks for your support Perkins.
Tom! Stop with the sense-making. TWC is FORCIN me to go to the mall I tell ya, FORCING ME!
I've done several tasks today, but I cannot pick a topic for my paper due in a couple of weeks, and it's making me nuts.
I need to start doing tasks.
The air stinks, and it is mildly freaking me out in a neurotic-Westside-mom kind of way. Also the car was covered in ashes this morning. Weird.
Friday afternoon randomness:
Interesting. I'm not sure I can locate two advocacy groups focused on spaghetti, though.
Pick a current issue, pick two groups (advocacy organizations) working on the issue. I wanted to do Christian Coalition/Americans United for Separation of Church and State, but the only current issue where they overlap is Roberts, and that feels too obvious, or something.