Hello. Stupid pupil-dilating eyedrops. I had to increase the size of the text on b.org three times and I can still barely read it.
I have a blood clot in my left eye. They don't know what caused it - it's very unusual for someone of my age and not-high blood pressure to get this. They are waiting to get the bloodwork back to see if I have any disease that might cause it.
They're hoping it should clear up on its own. I'm supposed to take half an asprin a day to thin my blood. I'll probably suffer some permanent loss of vision in that eye.
I'll probably suffer some permanent loss of vision in that eye.
Oh, shit, man. A lot of vision?
That sucks, tommyrot. Good luck.
That does suck!
I'm cold. Stupid over air conditioned office.
That does indeed suck. I hope that there isn't more bad news for you. Vision loss is WAY more than enough, IMHO.
I'm sorry, Tommyrot, that really sucks. I hope it clears up okay.
Oh, shit, man. A lot of vision?
Dunno. He just said, "some loss."
I'm sorry, tommyrot. I hope it all works out as well as possible.
Oh, and I've decided I shall name the blood clot "Brownie."
I'm hoping for minimal, tommy. I hope it's not even that noticeable.
Hey, what's a good site to find out when songs were released? If that site also had lyrics, that'd be great, but I can do two searches instead of one.