I feel better about my keyboard now. My fluff is all lint, not growing stuff. And there's certainly no slime.
But I will shake it out, just in case.
Drive in wasn't bad. But I'm the only one in my department in so far. I took some pictures of the plume of smoke with my phone, but due to a conflation of strange tech issues, I probably can't post them until lunch.
That is DISGUSTING!!! I hope someone has notified his boss about his extreme NASTINESS. EW EW EW EW EW. Not enough EW in the world.
Apparently he'd also been trying to learn something about flammable materials in chemistry class, and that obviously didn't end well, either.
It definitely was one of those moments when you want to ring up a user and ask them, "Did you know that you were almost a Darwin Award?"
It is extraordinarily dark and gray outside. I may have to resort to turning the lights on.
Someone poke me until I do something productive. I just spent twenty minutes drawing colourdy stars on a cd case instead of studying. Procrastination, thy name is Jars.
Hey Jars, how is Sheffield treating you? Do you have Dr. Charles as a lecturer?
ETA, uh, that was aiding and abetting procrastination, wasn't it?
Jars, GET TO WORK!!!!
Shortest day ever in NYC (as it is now nighttime again from all accounts).
x-post with Jessica.
Cleaned my keyboard too. Made a cup of tea, toyed around with some photographs and fonts for the booklet of a mix-CD. I agree with Jars, this studying thing is harder than it looks.
Hey Jars, how is Sheffield treating you? Do you have Dr. Charles as a lecturer?
Yeah, I do! He's head of my course. Seems like a really nice guy.
ETA, uh, that was aiding and abetting procrastination, wasn't it?
Yes, yes it was, though I really don't need any help.