I see it all the time in other people and their kids, but it's very hard for me to see me in her or similarities between my mom and I.
I'll tell him what you said. I think Joe has been feeling a bit like he doesn't know how to be a dad. Ellie cries a lot when he holds her - not from stranger anxiety, but because he's just not very used to babies and he's mainly home at the end of the day when she's tired. Anyway, last night, he told me "She doesn't even look like me."
Oh, but she does. Tell him a total stranger thinks so. My brother goes through something a little similar after PJ takes Dominic to her parents for a couple of weeks so she can earn some money doing construction work (and when he was gone at school all day in the early months.)
Now that D is older, it has lessened somewhat. Probably because D is actually remembering the transitions and can articulate that he wants DAD not MeeMaw or Pawpop or Mom.
Not a parent, but maybe make sure on his time off that he spends a lot of time doing the primary stuff. It helped my brother when PJ stepped back on those early days of being gone. And he said so, with all the proper psych terms;)
I think most babies prefer Mommy. It changes soon enough and Dad becomes the run to person.
Such precious pictures!
Why is it that Mister Kitty INSISTS on sitting on my lap when I'm on the balance ball? He doesn't do that anywhere else. Better posture? More friendly lap creation?
So, in theory, I watched
last week -- but really, I was on the phone. Can anyone tell me what happened to the
Kari Matchett
character and why only the
little girl
tell that
something is
not right
There's one kinda crazy picture of me at about a year) where I look like a total hedonist, dragging myself along Kitten. He just looks happy, but a little bewildered (and I was holding my nose. Cause, see, Kitten latched onto noses when he was happy.)
I want to see this now. A lot.
I think most babies prefer Mommy. It changes soon enough and Dad becomes the run to person.
Signed, would like to zone in the evening without worrying about Lillian having a where's mommy meltdown.
I think Ellie looks a lot like Joe from the pictures. Especially about the eyes.
I think Ellie looks a lot like Joe from the pictures. Especially about the eyes.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to start referring to MM as MM on the board again. This screwed with me for a second.
I want to see this now. A lot.
Sorry, it's at my parents'. And no scanner or adeptness to scan. But it is a funny picture. Signs of catladyhood to come!