And what's the fun in becoming an immortal demon if you're not regular, am I right?

The Mayor ,'End of Days'

Spike's Bitches 26: Damn right I'm impure!  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

DCJensen - Oct 23, 2005 5:07:42 am PDT #9986 of 10001
All is well that ends in pizza.

It's not like we're using the lawn at the moment, what with it being rainy and gray and about 45 degrees, but this still strikes me as incredibly rude.

It's also illegal, and they may damage your lawn when it is wet. Call the cops.

vw bug - Oct 23, 2005 5:08:50 am PDT #9987 of 10001
Mostly lurking...

Deena, would you be willing to look at my first go of the survey?

sumi - Oct 23, 2005 5:09:28 am PDT #9988 of 10001
Art Crawl!!!

Shouldn't the cops be right there as security? If not -- definitely call them. What a nasty surprise for a Sunday morning!

Susan W. - Oct 23, 2005 5:30:24 am PDT #9989 of 10001
Good Trouble and Righteous Fights

Fed and caffeinated. Feeling a little better. Must shower as soon as I decide whether I should leave Miss Still-Awake here in the dark quiet room in hopes she'll sleep, knowing she'll more likely scream bloody murder, or take her in the living room and give her some Tivoed Sesame Street.

vw bug - Oct 23, 2005 5:34:24 am PDT #9990 of 10001
Mostly lurking...

{{{Susan}}}. I hope things get a little better for you today. Enjoy choir.

Amy - Oct 23, 2005 5:36:40 am PDT #9991 of 10001
Because books.

Susan, I vote for Tivoed Sesame Street.

Call the cops.

Oh, good lord, no. My father-in-law would have a cow, because that would be Too Much Drama, even if it is his lawn. He'll just seethe about it quietly instead.

Susan W. - Oct 23, 2005 5:38:38 am PDT #9992 of 10001
Good Trouble and Righteous Fights

Miracle of miracles, she's asleep!

Catch y'all in the new thread.

billytea - Oct 23, 2005 5:38:41 am PDT #9993 of 10001
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.

Huh. Finishing off a thread? I'm so rarely around for it.

billytea - Oct 23, 2005 5:39:41 am PDT #9994 of 10001
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.

Played D&D tonight. It rocked. I took out a creature that was supposed to be a tough challenge for the whole party with one shot. (Got lucky, but still. You've gotta love it when that happens.)

Almare - Oct 23, 2005 5:44:16 am PDT #9995 of 10001
"My drink preference does not indicate my sexual preference. "

I think I shall stay here and see it's death through.