Double-bag that diaper for extra soaking-in-it power.
No more diapers, at least not during a school day. She's officially potty-training right now. So even though she is very good about peeing in the potty, the chances of getting wet have just gone up considerably.
WRT breastmilk cottage cheese: I assume it would be for the kidlet, not for general consumption.
Plei, Franny had no signs of food allergies so I started her on yogurt at 9 months or so (it began with a course of antibiotics, as I wanted to repopulate her wee digestive tract). Which I guess is a mememe way of saying you can probably use regular ol' milk for Lilybean's birthday cake.
Have any Buffista babies shown any sensitivity to citrus? Em got a couple of butt rashes when I drank it while nursing, so I stopped drinking it. I gave her mandarin oranges this morning, and she has a rash again. Anyone else see this?
Aimee, I used to get a rash around my mouth when I ate citrus as a wee child. But, I don't remember what it looked like or anything.
Also, according to
Citrus fruits and citrus juices are notorious for causing bad diaper rashes in sensitive kids.
t crosses citrus off the list.
hi beth!
This was me eighteen months ago. And then I got used to having a a forty hour week, and a steady income, and now it's killing me being back in college.
Oh, Real World. Why are you so potentially fearsome?
Oh, hello Alton Brown. you make it all better.
I think citrus is one of the things you're supposed to avoid until they're a little older, on account of the butt rash factor.
Burrell, I'll probably make her a blueberry crisp, because I'm pretty certain she'll have been introduced to everything in there by that time. I'm going medium slow on the introduction of some things, like milk, because of allergy concerns. (Which are 90% paranoia, 10% related to my dad starting to have some food issues.)
I was hoping the mandarins would be ok since they are a lot less acidic. Guess not. Back to peaches, pears, bananas, and apples.
Interrupting the butt rash discussion for one more shallow post:
Cute little cocktail hats, dirt cheap