That's great news, Hec!
Could I get some general job and motivation~ma, please? I have a very real shot of being hired at a company I like, but it's by no means a guarantee, and it wouldn't happen until January if it happens at all.
I am getting very, very tired of living with all this uncertainty. I never thought I was that much of a control freak until all this came up.
We're both too weary for Bond or Nick & Nora. This is more our style, if you turn the lady's head the other way so they're both looking in the same direction, at a TV show with last night's Colbert Report.
Hey, um....
If I could get some "you'll get through it"~ma, or, preferably, some "changing Z's mind"~ma, I'd really appreciate it. We're awfully close to divorce, and he's the one who's moved away emotionally. He knows what his decision would be if I pressed him on it, and it's No, so I'm not pressing him and I'm trying to rebuild my sense of self and take care of my emotional needs while at the same time being loving and present. He says he hasn't made his decision and he doesn't want to, but I am in an awfully desolate place right now. We are in therapy, but I think it might be too little, too late, and I'm really having to fight feeling like a fool for even trying.
Anyway. I really hate bringing down the thread, and I'm sorry, but the ~ma is powerful and I really, really, REALLY need some right now.
Thanks, y'all.
juliana, love. All the ~~~~ma~~~~ in the world to you honey.
Oh, juliana! Wishing you both massive doses of calm and reconciliation.
Get outta my head!
Maria you'll be happy to hear I got a Cosmo Martini sorbet.
This is more our style
Guess that means I'm the curmudgeonly one.
Oh, juliana. All the -ma I've got.
I am in an awfully desolate place right now
Oh, it twists my heart up just to read those words. I wish we were all in MN -- not that you'd have to talk about it, or say a word even, just so we could all pet your lovely hair and rub your feet and dogpile you with love.
Hec and I have bits of a package-y thing dawdling around the house; we'll pull them together and send it out to you this weekend, if you e me your street address.
So much love and strength and non-desolation-ma to you, dear.
Hec, I'm glad the talk went smoothly.
{{{juliana}}} all sorts of ~ma. Let us know if there's anything else we can do for you.
I wish we were all in MN -- not that you'd have to talk about it, or say a word even, just so we could all pet your lovely hair and rub your feet and dogpile you with love.
What JZ said. Oh, very much what JZ said.