vw, I think we share a classmate. There is a woman in one of my classes that is dumb as a box of rocks. She doesn't know what a bill is (as in "duck:bill"). No, I'm not kidding.
Quite possible.
At the beginning of lab, Annoying!Lab!Partner (ALP) asked what lab section I'm normally in, because she's never seen me before. I told her, this is my lab section. We went on to talk about how wonderful our TA is, other students, other labs, etc.
At the end of lab, my TA came and asked me which lab section I attended last week, because I missed our lab and made it up on Thursday. I told her. ALP said, "See! I KNEW you weren't in our lab!"
'Cause I would lie about that.
I explained, in my most condescending tone, that I had missed last week, so I had been in a different lab last week, but this was my lab section, and I had been there every other week.
I'm still rolling my eyes.
Oh. She also types exclusively with her index fingers. And insisted on typing everything.
Mine took a practice test last week and was really upset at scoring low. Then she said, "I took it Saturday night right before I was going out. I wanted to get through it really fast." DUH! I can't believe she's even considering grad school. Not to mention the class we're in was expensive and not mandatory. What the hell is she doing there?
@@ @@ @@
The Nano can not be used on either computer.
A's News: Huston Street is Sporting News Rookie of the Year (which is not the official ROY, but bodes well for him). Also, Bill King (long time Bay Area sports radio announcer) died.
The desktop is so old it doesn't have enough memory or whatever to even download the software. And the laptop is so old that the USB cables don't fit it. Or something.
Computers = old, Nano = new
Well that sucks! Boo hiss!
No shit. Of course, when I pointed out there were at least 3 other computers we could use, 2 of which already had iTunes, etc, he said, "Well we may as well just give it to them."
Shouldda sold it to my brother when he offered.
Suckage. No one should be deprived of iPody Goodness™.
We won't be for long. We can just go use someone else's computer.