Heh. I can be a manipulative bitch at times.
Well, I could've said pantyhose, I suppose, but then people might think I was sifting flour through the panty part, which, even with new hose, is off-putting.
Hee. The mental pictures in my head should disturb you all greatly.
OTD pictures! With Maria *in* the OTD!
OTD pictures! With Maria *in* the OTD!
Oh. Sure, that would be nice too. (I guess trousseau pics would be a little much to ask for, right?)
Watch that you don't smack your head on the ceiling, AmyLiz. I don't have them yet.
I guess trousseau pics would be a little much to ask for, right?
Bwah! DH (I can't believe I can finally call him that.) would probably agree with that.
Also, the DH is opposed to anything on the counter, so no chance for canisters until we get a house with two kitchens. Seriously. He threw out my dishrack, and puts the blender and food processor away every time he sees them on the counter (which is about every day, since I use them to cook). Your housemates may vary.
Mine doesn't vary. He HATES anything on the counter. Anything. It's very tiresome. He also takes a personal dislike to anything resembling a basket in this house.
I think they're handy for keeping magazines handy, storing bits and pieces and for keeping fresh fruit at the ready for a snack. He thinks it's all clutter.
I fight a never ending war against counter clutter. The counter is never completely cleared off, but if I don't fight then eventually all counterspace disappears.
so much of my counter is useless....that it must be covered with clutter.
so. I have a bizzare egg poaching device for the micrwave. I never know if I will get reall poached eggs or pre-peeled hadbiolde eggs. today the latter. so I diched the fork dropped them on an englishmuffin and ate. Un beknown to me there was a steam pocket in one egg. which I bit into and burned my lower lip. oww.
one of those (freakish) people who keeps her flour in the freezer
Actually, there is a reason for this -- the oils in whole wheat flour can go rancid very easily, and the freezer retards this process. Ditto corn meal, though it also has the added benefit of slowing or stopping the corn weevils that always seem to appear.
New word today: eleemosynary.
Bosslady just left a message on the answering machine: She desperately needs me to cover an overnight shift because the overnight person had the hood of her car open, fly up and break her windshield while on the freeway.
I do not want to do this. at. all.
The only way I get through something like that is to figure out exactly how much money I am making for the extra shift, and then spend the whole time planning what little luxury I am going to spend it on.