OK. Feeling a little better. Have managed to stop sobbing my eyes out, at least, which is always a start.
In all likelihood what you've got on your hands is a slow spiral towards Good Things. But maybe you'll get a lightning bolt of good fortune to speed things along.
I hope so. And some good things just have to come as lightning bolts--job offers, a publisher wanting to buy The Novel, etc. (Not that a publisher has even seen it--right now my first three chapters are just getting critiqued by a Noted Author and are also sitting in a Priority Mail envelope somewhere in the Seattle postal system waiting to wend their way eastward to an agent.)
If my experience is any indicator, don't read any news items about jobs, employment or the economy. It won't help your outlook any, and it's always hard to remember that sensational negativity sells, and it's probably not as bad as all that.
Good point. If I can roll my eyes forever at things like media-induced bird flu hysteria, I should manage to do the same for things with more obvious immediate impact.
You've had the universe pile on you this year, and it's ok, and healthy to feel the way you do. Sure, being healthy and educated in living the first world are things to be grateful for, and you are, but feeling like crap is feeling like crap and that's more than allowed.
Well, I do feel bad for feeling like the universe is piling on me when I can easily think of so many ways it could be worse.
Thanks again for looking at my resume, by the way. Someone actually wants to look at it, and I feel like I can't let go of it, because what if it could be more perfect? Argh.
I can relate. As mentioned above, I've just now started sending the novel to people with power to make something happen with it, and I'm terrified. What if it's not really ready? And there's this irrational part of me that wants to wait till January just out of fear that it'll be caught up in my hellish year of bad luck that is 2005. Of course, I wrote it in 2005, so maybe it's just cursed anyway.