{{{Cindy}}} I hope this is just a re-occuring but annoying innocuous thing.
I have found Mommy heaven this morning. The women's health center I go to (my lactation consultant, prenatal yoga, childbirth education class, etc.) has a TODDLER GYM. More Little Tykes playsets, baskets of toys, bins full of rubber balls and all the space you could possibly imagine. Complimented by comfortable chairs lined against the walls for moms and mats for floor play. Every Monday and Friday mornings.
Owen wore himself out playing this morning and I'm very, very happy.
sj, 85!!!!! Yay! I knew you wouldn't fail.
The daycare was okay - the women seemed nice, but Ellie was the only baby. It was sort of loud and Ellie was fussing when I picked her up. But, one of the women was holding her and she was quiet the minute I picked her up. I'm hoping tomorrow she will be a bit more comfortable in the new place. Plus, no matter what, it's only an hou
I've found those daycare situations can be a little overwhelming and louder than usual. But I hope Ellie can adjust and yay for a good workout!
I just remembered DH has to fly to Delaware tonight for work. Feh.