Oh, such beautiful babies! Thanks, parents, for sharing.
I have to finish up my Advanced Composition assignment this morning, but it's basically done. It's the one thing I've stayed pretty committed to the last week. And, it's good stuff. I wish everything I wrote was as good as this.
Map in progress, denoting Spheres of Influence of major US cities.
Wow, Annabel has the greatest expression on her face. She's so cute!
Princess Tickybox! Today solid food, tomorrow the world.
Gronk. Am up. Am at work. Tea too hot.
Tea too hot.
Captain Entropy will save the day!
ice cube.
Captain Entropy will defeat that too!
Deena, did you see that we liked your paragraph you added? Ima steal it!
Ice cube is in kitchen on the other side of the floor. Lazyness has overcome the toasted tongue.
I would say laziness killed the thread, but I know better. And I just realized I spelled that darned word wrong in the last post and I'm too damn lazy to edit.