Oh man, dw, that poor tree! And, yeah, poor stuff in its falling-path.
Ginger, you're completely within limits to be peeved at dividing a dinner bill when your dinner was considerably less expensive than others'. And I'm with Sail on requesting separate bills up front. It's less upsetting for me, and the waitron will wind up with a more generous tip, from me at least, for splitting checks without a fuss.
Hallo, lovelies. It feels like forever, and I skipped a lot and skimmed some. Didja miss me?
Sweet, Bev! But of course.
smooches that lovely face all over, cops a quick feel, to boot.
Of course we missed you, Bev.
Damn, I want to stay around and chat, but I promised my dad I'd be over at his house by noon. At least it means I get to see Serenity again!
Hee. Gropes back.
It's finally turned off fall, here. So lovely to sit out on the deck and read. I've realized why I never harvest the herbs I grow--by the time it's pleasant enough to sit and enjoy the scent and the leafiness of my plants, it's time to harvest and I wait till the last minute to cut and hang them to dry. I often mis-time it, and frost gets 'em before I do. Ah, well. I'd rather enjoy them growing as long as possible, and buy cooking herbs from the store.
Oh, look at that--my coffee cup is empty. How'd that happen?
but all our stuff is there and intact and not moldy
Oh, that's great news.
I'll dissent and say that I really dislike when people try to go the "but I ordered less!" route when the bill comes, because IME the result is that 2 people at the table (generally the ones who have worked in food service) end up throwing in an extra $20 no matter what they ordered or whether or not they can afford it (because most people will underestimate tax/tip), and everyone leaves feeling like they got screwed. Splitting the bill evenly is better for everyone.
This just in: raspberries work very well in pancakes. I threw them in as an afterthought with little hope that their delicacy would work. But, cooking makes them come alive!
t /Frampton
JZ spent the night at Faire since it's the last weekend and they have parties and such. I think Emmett and I will ride bikes through the park and then play some tennis.
My sister went to the Faire today. I wonder if she'll see JZ there. JZ is a puritan, right?
because most people will underestimate tax/tip
OK, I hate this too. I try to tip well (if deserved), not only because half my rent was solely based on tips for about a year.
I plan on enjoying the nice weather while it lasts and go for a walk after the movie, Bev. I've kind of let the plants on my balcony go. They don't look half bad considering I haven't watered them since I went on vacation. Hee.
I went for a walk with the daughter, yesterday, after we went humidifier shopping. I'm going to miss this when it's gone. Truly, fall is my favorite season in the midwest and it always seems too short.
Off to the movies! Enjoy the balminess, for those of you who finally aren't getting rain.