Hi Nora.
and while that legacy isn't all good, it's by no means all bad, either.
That's exactly it, nobody's legacy is all good, or all bad. I think she was probably ineptly trying to mourn the passing niceties she liked about her (sub?)culture. I get that. I miss niceties--politesse, whatever you want to call it. Men in hats. Stores closed on Sundays. A slower life. A friendlier life.
Blaming "those others" for the passing of time is small-minded at best, and hateful at worst.
Reasons to rethink my desire to go back into computer tech support:
Support calls from Hell
I hope that I never need get-my-stuff-out-of-the-condemned-house-before-we-are-evicted~ma again.
But until then, -t, -- as much get-your-stuff-out-of-the-condemned-house-before-you-both-are-evicted~ma as you need!
it was enough to split our neighbor's lovely front yard shade tree in half
Susan, I'm glad no one was hurt and nothing was damaged. Well, other than the tree.
Went out last night against my better judgement, got home at 7am, fell asleep around noon and now I'm making coffee. Swiss almond something or other. Very groggy.
Accents are funny things. In boot camp, I got told I had a German accent. And while I am from Wisconsin, I don't think all Wisconsinites have German accents, much less myself. It's not like my parents were immigrants with an accent I might have picked up on. Later, I got mistaken for southerner just because of my use of "y'all." It was a word I swore to g-d I'd never use (I was one of those who mistakenly equated southern with dumb, apologies to Susan and Bev and Laura and, well, all the southerners on this board and others who have been my friends over the years), but my use of "you guys" tended to annoy people (for PC reasons) and I finally switched over while I was living in Arizona because it was what was used there and it stuck with me for the following 15 years. I'm back in Wisconsin, now, and the "y'all" has gone by the way, I dusted off the "you guys" and all my California friends tell me I sound like I'm from Wisconsin. One word, people! One word.
It's the nasal vowels.
Daniel, I feel like a tech genius now. Thanks for posting that.
Support calls from Hell
Those were pretty good, but I was starting to get flashbacks and I had to stop reading.
It's the nasal vowels
Too right, erika. I think I lost them in the Navy and just couldn't hear it because it was me, y'know? You don't hear yourself the way others hear you. So, yeah, how about them vowels? Urk.
Some where around here I have a support call on file that would be right up there with those.
Uch. The aforementioned 80s-themed charity benefit shindig is tonight. I don't even feel like being social, much less trying to put together an outfit that was ugly 20 years ago.
Huh. It's a little unnerving to refer to the 80s as "20 years ago." I mean, they *were,* obviously (I can do math!), but they don't *feel* like they were 20 years ago. Jesus.
Doubtful I'll take a picture of me, but maybe. I actually bought blue eyeshadow, since I wasn't willing to buy 80s clothes. Blue eyeshadow = $1.99. That's fine. But I ain't spending $$ on clothes I will never wear again.
I'm thinking pink-striped polo shirt w/collar turned up, under a pink oxford-cloth button-down shirt, jeans with the bottom pegged, blue eyeshadow, maybe a floppy bow in my hair if I can find something, and -- I have no idea what shoes. Maybe just my Keds. They aren't 80s, really, but they also aren't blatantly 2005.
Bah. I didn't sleep well last night at all, and I'm exhausted, and feel SO unsocial. Fortunately the party is literally 1 block from my apartment, and so I can zip over there and zip back home with very little effort.
Guess I'll go get ready.
Keds would definitely work for that version of the 80s.