Yes, he did get his haircut. And looks gooooood. And speaking of haircuts...
t waves down Hec
This was me on Sunday. [link]
This is me today. [link]
Also? My sister and the manager of the local Gap put together an outfit for me for the rehearsal. It's informal-kinda casual-and I got it for less than $20 because I had a gift card. So...fruition.
That's a great hair cut Aimee! Glad you got an outfit for the dinner.
Em is so cute!
Jesus, Aimee! Big change! ("Big" in the sense of "dramatic and also stunning enough that I'd hate you if I didn't love you which I do, so it's cool.")
Also? Want to crawl into bed now, please, and sleep until April. Thanks, ever so.
Very pretty haircut, Aims.
Calli, what Cindy and Nora said. Not only can you get most places via public transit of some sort, but Boston proper is small enough that you can walk the entire length of it in around an hour.
Once you get out to the suburbs, it becomes less convenient, but most places are accessible via the T in one form or another.
Thanks guys! I hope Em recognizes me. I dropped her at school and then got my hair cut!
You look great!
I'm sure Em will know her mama.
Oh, look at the way she's looking at you in that "before" photo, Aimee. She's so mama-smitten.
Your haircut looks wonderful on you.
Does she recognize you with a towel on your head? She'll recognize you. Great haircut! And yay for the outfit.
Ah, theater incestousness. I don't suppose my mentioning that the first tingly adolescent feelings I remember came from watching
The Rainmaker
? They kissed, kneeling downstage, and I felt a
Pretty much keep doing what I've been doing
Sounds good, and fingers crossed that the tests all come back normal!