Another day, another job application. <sigh>
This is one of those days that I feel like saying, "Screw the professional goals," and taking one of the regular job openings at my local coffee house. The dress code's flexible, one of my usual expenses would be comped, and I usually like the music they play.
Probably no bennies, though. I think I'd miss health insurance.
And she's really adamant about "BABY STUFF will not take over the house!" But I think she's delusional. She'll learn soon enough.
When I was pregnant with Ben, a co-worker was expecting--and was a few months ahead of me. She was an older first-time mother, and she and her husband had tried for years. She'd endured a few miscarriages, and was completely overjoyed by pregnancy, in general. One day, the topic of all the stuff that seems to follow a baby, came up in conversation.
Now, because she and her dh had been married, working professionals for so long, they were set in their ways. She kept an immaculate home, and was stylish, and pretty cool, too. She was certain her home would not be inundated with baby stuff.
I missed seeing her months later, when I brought Ben in my old office for a visit. I asked my old boss if friend had been right, and she laughed, and laughed, and laughed.
I asked my old boss if friend had been right, and she laughed, and laughed, and laughed.
Oh I know. My friend is not like an obsessive cleaner or anything but she does like things to be arranged in her living space in very specific ways. She is a really good organizer though so that might help some.
Not it, for either of Suzi's dreams.
Yeah, they forget to tell you when you get pregnant that the batteries aren't included and accesories are NOT optional.
No shit. Em's pack n play is more a "Baby Crap Holder".
And not crap crap. Toys and junk crap.
I had a good friend back in high school who had her entire future mapped out, planned, scheduled, etc. She did everything according to her rigid plan. Then she got pregnant. It was so fun during those early years to hear her fuss about how the kid messed up her schedule. Sorry, kids do that - they have THEIR OWN schedule and they don't tend to share it with us.
Deena speaking of tiaras reminded me.
It's getting into the colder months. Anyone interested in a "Warm Your Bitch" blanket exchange?
The problem with being at work on a day when you don't really have to do anything is that you don't really have the motivation to get a jump on the other things you really DO need to do.
t whine
As soon as I get out of here I have to go back to my place and clean scour it in preparation of removing the stove and fridge and capping the shower in one last attempt to avoid eviction after the town inspection in the morning. I then have to do the bills and figure out a list of debts and assets to discuss with my CT lawyer in the morning--I have a 7AM phone conference with him about the divorce proceedings. Oh, and did I mention that I'm throwing a party Saturday that I've done nothing for? Or that I must begin the massive undertaking of dividing all of the bills and making sure all of the CT house bills are in D's name and have been moved from online delivery to me to snail mail delivery to him? I also have 100+ tests and essays to grade and another pile of loose end correcting.
Other than that, I'm not stressed at all.
t /whine
A good friend of mine has twins who will be 1 yr old tomorrow. They have a smallish apartment, a small car, two of everything, and a schedule for those kids written in stone. They spend a lot of time in the park with those kiddos so they can take advantage of the multiple swing supplied by the town. I often think how lucky they are to be living here in CA, where you can take them outside many more months of the year than other places.
Me, me! I missed the last blanket exchange. I want in on another one if we get enough people.