Aimee is very pretty, preggo or not.
Could it be at the same time as you're ovulating? Hormones are bad drugs, man.
Sometimes but not always. After 33 years, I've come to the conclusion that I'm a split between a hermit and an entertainer. My only complaint is when the two halves of my personality try to take turns on the same day.
vw, can you take a nap or will it screw you up?
I'm just gonna go to bed soon.
Naps are good things.
GNARGH. I just opened a package of spoiled tofu. I didn't even know tofu could go bad, and the expiration date is listed as Nov 15, but OMGWTFEW. Easily the worst-smelling thing ever to be opened in my kitchen -- spoiled milk would be pleasing in comparison.
Oh yeah, if you even suspect tofu has gone off, freeze it solid before you think about opening the container. Or just throw the whole container out, tupperware and all. I've done that a time or two.
Naps and going to bed early are good.
Spoiled tofu is not.
I had to throw the whole thing away outside, and clean the sink, and then cut a lemon in half and rub it all over the sink and my hands to get rid of the smell.
From now on, I'm buying ALL tofu from the organic supermarket (where I'm assuming there's a higher turnover than at the Met Foods).
I just ran to the fridge to see if there was any tofu in there.
I didn't *think* there was but better to be safe than sorry.
That is why I buy the hermetically sealed tofu or whatever the kind is that doesn't come in water. Well, that and the texture is better for me.
Aimee is gorgeous - preggo or not. Yup, yup, yup!
Red nighty has been delivered to my mom. It matches the feather boa decorating her IV pole.
I have to cook dinner and don't wanna. I need a personal chef.
And I have half a paper yet to write. Calgon, take me away!!!
Red nighty has been delivered to my mom. It matches the feather boa decorating her IV pole.
I love this image. Hubby generally has a stuffed wolf that stays with him in the hospital. When I was in the hospital last year, he brought me my stuffed Cthulhu (who baffled the nurses mightily).
Apparently she has had quite the number of hospital workers checking out the boa. Just wait until they catch the matching attire. I keep threatening to bring her a black teddy.