Well, that was horribly timed.No, it made me smile. Tickybox is adorable.
I mean, in my fricking life it was pretty badly timed, but it honestly could have been worse soon. That seems all vague and I hate to be like that when I am so grateful for the support here, but I am glad it happened today if it had to happen.
I'm in total shock but yet I knew the company was run by a loon with no financial sense. They paid a fuckload of money to buy me from my agency and there's no way they should have knowing what I know now. I told them that I would do a three- or six- month contract at the beginning. It wasn't like I got any of that fee anyway...
Are they helpful about recommendations/referrals?I walked out with no severance (really, when I say they ran out of money, they are really out of money.) but a hell of a recommendation letter in my hand before I left -- and that impresses me. They want me to freelance when they have work and pie-in-the-sky want me to come back when they have business back on track. I don't think it will happen, but it's nice of them.
I am feeling a little zen about it at this second. Of course, taquitos are in front of me as well as a beer, so that could be helping.
By tomorrow, I need to figure out the filing for unemployment thing and by Wednesday, I need to get out of my jammies. These are my goals right now. As well as calling my agent-y woman and telling her to find me a new damn job and fast.
Oh, and I took my dragon with me when I left. He can wear my glasses here now.