Poor Dallas! I've made a mental note to check Mac & Sam today. They haven't been brushed in ages and that's usually when I do the check. Not that they're out and about anywhere besides our backyard, but it never hurts to check.
Gah. Baby haircuts are a nightmare. I took Owen to a place that specializes in kids and it did not go as smoothly as I would have liked. He cried when she started to cut so we transfered him from the funky airplane seat he was in to my lap and I ended up having to hold him tightly so he wouldn't grab the scissors and of course he cried. A lot. And I'm sure the cut's completely uneven. *sigh*
The heel just broke on my shoe. Thankfully I have another pair with me, however they are the shoes that I wear up from the parking lot and aren't reallywork appropriate.
After work I'm going to have to go shoe shopping.
Also Yahoo had an article about feeding babies and introducing new foods.
Evidentally most of the "rules" for introducing new foods or the foods to aviod/feed aren't really based in science. The new studies show that if the family has no history of food allergies it should be okay to introduce fish, peanut butter, etc to babies under 1 yr.
Also that young children/babies only like bland food isn't fact and that if the parents can add spicy, salty, seasoned food and see what the child likes. They even hinted that the wives' tale that children like whatever their mother's were eating while pregnant might be true.
They even hinted that the wives' tale that children like whatever their mother's were eating while pregnant might be true.
That just makes sense to me. They've already
a bunch of it after all.
The new studies show that if the family has no history of food allergies it should be okay to introduce fish, peanut butter, etc to babies under 1 yr.
The only bad thing about peanut butter (and that's besides the allergies) is that it is so sticky it can be considered a choking hazzard. I give O little bits, but not a lot and never on bread.
Fish is tricky because of bones and because of mercury. I'm paranoid about mercury levels, especially since their wee brains are developing at a rapid rate during the first year. We've only given O bits of salmon once or twice and he's never had tuna.
But yeah, a lot of the whole food thing is a huge gray area that parents have to navigate using gut instinct and some common sense.
Annabel's love for garlic fries would tend to confirm that theory.
Now I'm hungry for garlic fries. I'm going to blame Susan. *sigh*
t checks watch
It's lunch time.
Fish is tricky because of bones and because of mercury. I'm paranoid about mercury levels, especially since their wee brains are developing at a rapid rate during the first year. We've only given O bits of salmon once or twice and he's never had tuna.
Everything I've seen says that canned light tuna is ok (because it's the lowest in mercury containment), and if you limit tuna consumption to 2 oz/week you should be OK.
I totally believe the business of introducing spicy/varied foods after watching the nephling, who is a chef's kid, hoovering up everything and anything strongly flavored when he was a little one.
Everything I've seen says that canned light tuna is ok (because it's the lowest in mercury containment), and if you limit tuna consumption to 2 oz/week you should be OK.
I think they're actually advertising a "guaranteed low mercury" canned version. But I'm just avoidy because of the pregnancy on top of it, so we're just not buying it at the moment. Unless I happen to get a white-hot craving for it (and the tuna salad sandwiches at Panera really are cravable).