Yay, VW!
I still have most of my textbooks. I considered getting my copy of Critical Reasoning: [link] autographed, but that's because one of the writers was a prof I adored rather than because of the book itself.
I have dried apple. Now I just need to dry some other fruits, put them all in brandy for a bit, and then put them into fruitcake. Yay!
Ugh. Just called to make an appointment for my car - the brakes are sticking and grinding, which is no good. The appointment is Thursday. God only knows how much this is going to cost.
My only caveat about keeping the book is that often required texts get changed to newer editions.
Hmmm, the Emperer's daughter is getting $1.5 Million to ease her way to becoming a commoner. Nice. If she'd been a prince she would have received twice as much.
Well, much it's-just-the-brake-pads-ma to you vw.
Good point Sumi. I'll keep that in mind.
aw shit.
I just found a tick on Dallas. I got her back from my Mom's in the 'burbs nearly a week ago so it has probably been there all that time. This likely makes me the worst dog mommy ever.
It's a nice huge one so I'm not fearing Lyme so that's good. God I hate pulling things off -- poor baby cries.
baby did not cry. she lay nice and still while I fought the bugger. I think I got everything -- it looks intact in the plastic bag but its so hard to actually tell
Trudy, I hate that. Poor Dallas!
The first time Toto got a tick, poor guy got thrown across the room, 'cause it freaked my roommate out so badly. We took him to the ER vet to get it removed. She was like, "You know you can do this yourself, right?"
I always give Toto a good check when he comes home from my parents, because they live in a wooded area. Such not fun things.
I slept terribly and feel like ass warmed over today. Is it mean of me to be keeping my corner of the office freezing cold so I don't fall asleep? (It's set at 69 right now, and we've got no sun today. But if I warm it up any, I *will* be face down at my desk within the hour.)
I get help today!!! Her plane was supposed to land at 8am, I think, so she will be showing up sometime soon. It is absolutely pitiful how happy I am. I already have PILES of work ready for her.