I'm so with you, Gris. It's really annoying when the first or second ingredient is high fructose corn syrup. You'd think some of the nice fancy organic ones would be more into that, but they just use sugar instead, which is better but still not so needed.
I love some of the stuff right now that has less sugar stuff--like Izze soda, or Honest Tea. Still sweet, not "diet", but YUMMY.
Oh Plei, I meant to tell you yesterday, but I missed my window of opportunity. WRT bottles, Franny loved the Avent nipples, although we later found out the bottles had some toxic chemical in them (bisphenol something) so we've switched Isaac to the new evenflo fatty nipple. It's soft and boob-like and he seems to like it. The other good bottle is Dr Brown's, but it has the bisphenol whatevers in it, so you may want to get the Dr Brown knock-off from England, which is called the B Free.
Also, Lily *will* adjust. Babies are smart. Once she figures out that it's the bottle or nothing, she'll figure out hoe to use the bottle.
Edamame for dinner is yummy and healthy.
t /public service announcement
Edamame for dinner is yummy and healthy.
Hell yeah, it is! I love edamame with an unholy passion.
It is my new love. I bought three bags of it at TJ's tonight.
Edamame is yummy indeed.
Pictures from reunion, including Jared-the-Subway-guy--my friend wanted a picture with him just for the hell of it, and I encouraged her, because that way I got to say "oh, I'll take the picture!" and keep my dignity. Heheheh.
meara looks SOOOOOOOOOO beautiful!
I still prefer the red dress (I have a hard time with change), but I do need to admit she is rocking that one too.
Very pretty shelves, but they waste a lot of storage space.
meara is always so lovely I think. I've never seen your sister before. There is such a strong family resemblance!
And edamame is delicious. Plus Franny will eat it. Thank goodness she likes beans since she isn't very big on meats yet.