Mal's all about the keyboard and mouse (and my stylus). We stole a keyboard that the embassy was throwing out, so he can sit next to us and bang away on a keyboard of his own.
Legion has started to realize that Mallory is a potential source of pets, so he's getting more interested. Mal has in fact petted him, although not very gracefully. The tail is an issue.
I know I don't get a break with the baby, but on the other hand, I don't have to get up at 6:00 and go to work. OK, I have to get up at six, but not really, not for long, and I don't have to get dressed or commute.
Hmm...close to whinging again. If I let it start, the dam will break, and I'll say something I'll be embarrassed about later. Anyway, I should really have something to bitch about in a few days.
So, I've never eat Brussels Sprouts before, but the latest article on Cooking for Engineers convinced me to try them.
Why are these considered bad again? OMG so good!
Why are these considered bad again?
Because they taste like ass and smell worse?
{{{Raq}}} You two will find your way. There's no right way to do it, either. There are lots of right (or as Hec is fond of saying, and as I'm in perfect agreement with "good enough") ways. The important thing is to find a right way that is right for all three of you.
not a supertaster.
Because they taste like ass and smell worse?
Overcooked, sure. Smell like sulfur. Most cabbages taste/smell quite noxious when overcooked.
Cooked correctly, they are almost odorless unless you put them right under your nose (at which point they have a kind of nutty smell that reminds me of other cabbages. I quite like it.) and they taste a little nutty and a litttle bitter in a way I quite like.
I guess i could see not liking them, too. So whatevs. But I don't think they taste bad enough to be the Most Hated Vegetable.
I was talking to a friend last week about what we regretted about our forties. We agreed that we missed perky breasts. (I always thought non-perky breasts were only for the childbearing women, but I was wrong.)
So, bitches? FLAUNT 'EM WHILE YOU GOT 'EM. Wear a tube top today! If not for yourselves, for me!
Thank you.
I like brussel sprouts roasted in the oven.
But I don't think they taste bad enough to be the Most Hated Vegetable.
Try being forcefed them every Sunday at your grandparents growing up. There's years of resentment going in to them being my Most Hated Vegetable. Actually, it wasn't even forcefeeding, because I was polite enough not to make a scene. I just swallowed them more or less whole.
It's the bitterness I can't take, I think. Same with cabbage and broccoli.