there is an emergency vet clinc over here they have Sunday hours - but there has to be one ove rwhere you are Perkins ...
Ohlone Veterinary Emergency
(510) 657-6620
but I might call the Belmont Animal hospital and see what their service has to say
Thanks Beth. I found one over here in San Mateo (North Peninsula Emergency Veterinary Clinic), but I would love to get some info about quality.
well, what I can say about the one here is that they took x-rays of percy with out putting him under. very impressive , because his regular vet can't do that.
That is impressive. I'm not sure I am going to be able to get Ozzie in a crate without bloodshed, but since he still hisses at me when I get within 5 feet, I may need to try.
What the hell did he do when the PBJ song came on? This is boggling my mind.
I am not sure, since they were in the other room, but I think he started growling, which made Perkins the cat attack him. By the time it got to this room, he was the agressor, but then they went back in the other room, and I think Ozzie won.
I think Ozzie won.
No. I think he who doesn't have to go to the vet, wins.
Hope Ozzie gets a clean (but very crazy) bill of health, Perkins.
Heh. I meant to say I thought Perkins the cat won.
Emily doesn't like sandwiches.
I'm crankypants this morning. The baby woke up before I was ready to, so I brought him downstairs and asked my DH, who was already up, to watch him for a bit while I finished up sleeping. I just wanted one day where I woke up when I was done sleeping, rather than on babytime, so that I didn't spend the whole day thinking about how I could get more sleep.
Naturally, DH's version of watching the baby involved leaving him in the playpan, unchanged, by himself, so that he cried until I got up.
I really didn't want to turn into one of "those mothers" who doesn't let the father near the kid, but I may be on that path this morning.