I don't think I've ever used the chopper attachment on my stick blender... not for chppong - I have to go look at it now....
I did once, but that was before my dishwasher was replaced and the plastic didin't like to come clean - so a knife was easier
Hmm...I am supposed to be putting together my Christmas wish list, so maybe a stick blender will go on it. I'd feel less bad about burning out something that cost $70 vs. a KitchenAid. Or maybe I can find a good one that runs on 220v/50 cycles...the ones I've seen here are kinda cheap and expensive, but Miele might have one.
Of course, I shouldn't be talking about food prep at all since we had McDonald's delivered for dinner.
meara have a great time in your faboo dress!
As to how I lived without one: really good knives, cutting boards, and a 5 quart Kitchenaid (if I had it to do over, though, I'd probably have registered for the smaller, cheaper model like my mother has, as I think it is slightly easier to work with).
We have a 4 qt/250W we could trade you.
My full-sized Cuisinart gets pulled out mostly for hummus and shredding potatoes or large amounts of cheese.
I really wish I had a full-sized (or just an 11 cup) Cuisinart. Our 5 cup model is too small for anything (chute's too narrow for cucumbers and carrots), and it's a joke with liquids.
To supplement the too-small food processor I asked for a V-slicer last Christmas -- the $20 one on Amazon. It doesn't cut "perfect" dice, but it can dispatch half an onion in five seconds, when cutting up an onion before took three minutes and a trip to the emergency room. It does a good job on julienne, too.
We just made gingerbread pancakes for breakfast. As usual, we have an entire large serving of the things left over, turning cold and rubbery as we speak.
I swear, next time, I need company to help us finish them off.
I served them with lemon sauce and sliced organic Bosq pears. So good.
I swear, next time, I need company to help us finish them off.
checks plane fares to Seattle
I would love to take a knife skills class. I have none.
Never used a stick blender, but one came free with my new fridge. I was wondering about the whisk attachment and its usefullness. A smallish processor was a gift with the fridge too. KitchenAid.
Must get on with the timely decorations for the house. I bought more pumpkin and skeleton stuff today. Whee.
I swear, next time, I need company to help us finish them off.
I served them with lemon sauce and sliced organic Bosq pears. So good.
Oh, oh, Juliana and I volunteer!
vw, the letter looks good to me. My sole concern is that a guy with the last name "Cluster" opts to go by "Dick."
vw -- that's a great letter!
I have a stick blender, somewhere. I really wish I had a food processor. I'm hoping I'll be able to snag one via Freecycle. I managed to get a monitor, the other day someone offered up three. I now own a large, old, ugly monitor. But it's large and I'm no longer having a problem with lj styles that are pale or kind of monochromatic.
The football game was at noon today. I'm a wee bit sunburned, but I've slathered on the aloe and should be fine. There were No assholes at the game! I ended up sitting on the row they were at last Saturday. When we got there a guy, rather young looking, was kind of sitting by himself, he had his arm in a sling and had one of those canes with four feet. His buddy came down from higher and they explained that he was back from Iraq and couldn't get up the 20 rows to where they were sitting. Our row is right next to the ramp to go down inside. And they said if the people who sat there came, they'd be willing to trade. After his friend left and some more people showed up on our row I told the guy if there wasn't room, I'd move up to where his friends were. We didn't have to do that though.
We won the game, but the defense sucked. The offense has been getting better, now that the coach's son is up in the press box and relaying is play calling that way.