YIKES! Oh, I would have wanted to muzzle the big kid. Sheesh.
Yeah. I told him to clean up the blocks, then took the little one into another room and settled him in with a sippy cup and a Dora video. About ten minutes later, when the hysterics had settled down to whimpering, the older brother came in with the little one's blankie and gave it to him, then gave him a hug.
This weekend is the first time either of us will have been away from Annabel overnight. She's never had major separation anxiety issues, but I'm still a little nervous about it.
brenda, those are hid-e-ous. I feel bad for you having to see them all day.
It's even worse than that. More like these [link] with a high wedge heel. Save me.
and the older one screamed at him, "Mommy's never coming home. NEVER EVER!" I have never seen hysterics in a little kid like what the little one went into then.
Alright, that is hysterically funny since I wasn't the one there. That kid could grow up to be Marty Blank.
We cried like hell when our Mother left... but it probably had to do a lot with people and houses disappearing pretty regularly for a couple of years there. I don't know how my Mother survived it.
I had way worse separation issues than my kids did, whenever I/we left them overnight (which wasn't nearly often enough).
Everybody ready for a quick critique? I need to get my thank you notes in the mail ASAP (ideally, yesterday or the day before - my week has been such crap!) for my interview, and I'm feeling uninspired. How's this for the text of the note(s)?
Thank you for meeting with me on Tuesday. It was a pleasure to speak with you about what's going on at CompanyName, and the direction in which it is headed. It sounds like a company with a promising future. I look forward to speaking with you again.
I can't put my finger on it, but it feels slightly ferwonky. Comments? Suggestions?
It's even worse than that. More like these [link] with a high wedge heel. Save me.
I might have been able to stifle the gag reflex. Until the high wedge heel. Gaah. You know what the Bible says to do if thine eye offends thee, right? Might be your only line of defense. Unless we could arrange for someone to pluck out the boots. Yick.
Just finished another square! Yay!
Just got an e-mail from the prof who's class I skipped on Wednesday (when I had a presentation). Boo! Wasn't going to deal with that till tomorrow. Bigger Boo! I think I'll just not read it till I get back from my date with George.
Yes, they're from Payless, because I am [1] hell on shoes -- I destroy them in a matter of months; and [2] cheap, partly b/c of [1]
I have a pair of red boots that I got at Payless 5 years ago that I still rock. I'm hardish on shoes and they are red so it's not like I wear them with every outfit but still 5 years & $20 is a freaking good deal.
Anne, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. And I'm glad she got her good breakfast and, especially, the champagne.
My dad's parents died a week apart. My grandfather held on (he was much sicker than she was) until she went, and the family all got there and he could see us. Then the last night before my brothers and I were supposed to leave we went out with him to dinner and he had a steak and a beer (he could barely eat & drink at this point so he had a bite and a sip basically). He died later that night. It was a fairly awesome display of will.
My mom actualy asked her doc last night if she was "circling the drain". He said no.