This weekend, I'll probably dig out my copy of "My Father's Dragon"--the book she used to read to me, complete with funny voices--read, and bawl my eyes out.
Ever since my mom's mom passed, I can't see a peanut butter cookie without thinking of her, and missing the best peanut butter cookies that ever existed.
In sort of tangentially related news, both last night, and somewhat tonight, I am very much missing my friend Brian. Just out of nowhere last night, I started having the most visceral memories of his physicality -- the way his face and eyes moved to form his expressions, the way he held his shoulders and carried himself, the way he was always holding a book (and a different one) every time I saw him, the way he moved and walked.
I miss my friend very much.
Y'all have been talky meat lately--almost 300 messages in less than 24 hours!
The internet tends to be full of more extreme beliefs/opinions than the population as a whole, I think.
This is very wise of t, and probably very true of almost anyone except maybe the Amish. :)
That's both grandmothers in less than two months.
Oh that's rough. I'm so sorry, Anne.
This morning, instead of going in to work at 5am
Going in to work at 5AM is NOT an option. OMG. That's just cruel.
Has anyone seen this freakish "marzipan babies" email?
OK, I went to the snopes page and wow, those are neat, but freaky looking. And if they were made out of marzipan you could EAT THEIR LITTLE TOESES!!
Of course, they also told us to put her to sleep on her tummy, ALWAYS, for fear of SIDS.
Apparently these days, no one is letting babies sleep on their tummies, so they're all getting funny-shaped heads. At least, that's what the WashPost Health section tells me.
Well, I just stuck Emily and my laundry in the washer.
Quick, get her out before she drowns!
How big do those t-shirts normally run? Do they come in "gamer size"?
Currently it seems like they top out at 3X but CafePress is discussing introducing tees up to 8X.
That's both grandmothers in less than two months
I lost three grandparents in one year. I am so grateful that I had them all well into my twenties... but it was so hard watching them go one after the other.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Anne.
So sorry, Anne! That's really sad.
Betsy, I had lost my Soft Surroundings catalog and forgotten about all the gorgeous things I can't afford and don't fit me anyway. But thanks!
I know I was going to say something else, but I'm a bad meara.
Oh! I remember - Raq, I friended you, because your journal is interesting.
Annabel and I were reading a Richard Scarry book. We were looking at a town scene with a greengrocer. "See, Annabel, pears."
She proceeds to her mouth to the page, makes some slurpy sounds, then looks at me and says "Yum."
This from a girl who isn't talking yet.
phrases that you remember from the old articles, or things that remind you of Jilli?
"Friends don't let friends dress like The Crow."
That is (to the best of my understanding) how dryer sheets work. They're essentially made of fiberglass, and they soften your fabrics by abraiding the fibers, thus degrading fiber strength and reducing effective lifetime of the fabric.
Ack! Ummm...
Nope. They work by redepositing the waxy film of fabric softener that's on the nonwoven fabric of the softener sheet.
Thank you Betsy! I was 300 posts back and soo frustrated.
I remember once being told that a cheap replacement for dryer sheets in a pinch is a strip of wax paper.
{{Anne}} It makes me smile to think of your grandmother going out for champagne and Belgian waffles in her final weeks. That's just wonderful.
IIRC, liquid fabric softener is bad for water resistant materials (or anything with a specific reaction to water - wicking high tech fabrics and whatnot) because it works by making the clothes you wash in it more absorbent, somehow. And the sheet things have the opposite effect. But I get confused about what you aren't supposed to use on which and mostly just don't use either.