Hey All, seeing if I can keep up for a day. I miss hanging with you!
{{{Anne}}} I'm so sorry for your losses.
{{Emily}} Really hoping for an upswing in the way the 'Verse is treating you.
Cheap reapir-ma Epic.
Thanks, Gud.
Ironically though, Jaquars are technically Fords.
What do you want to bet that the repair bill won't reflect that little factoid?
I too join the zombie ranks of the ded-of-cuteness. Such sweet babies around this crowd!
Cash, I think you looked lovely.
Much chill-ma sj. You're a wonderful person. They'll see that.
{{vw}}, go you with the getting up and going. Boo to non-supportive NP.
Has anyone seen this freakish "marzipan babies" email?
They're not marzipan, though. They're sculptures. Still freaky, but less chewy.
Aimee, they aren't really marzipan.
If that's any comfort.
(ETA: Damn. Xpost. Even with the same link.)
Still, freaking ewewewew!!
Seven seconds! Fear ma 3l337 snopesor skillz!
I really need to make up a cheat sheet of people whose LJ names don't match their Buffista IDs, because I'm always forgetting.
Actually, what I'd really like is to be able to annotate my friends -- not just "this is Sparky, duh!" but "I friended this person even though we have no fandoms in common because I keep seeing good stuff in comments from her". It would radically cut down on the "huh? who?" moments, and I'm never in a zillion years going to keep track of it if I have it tucked away in a separate file.
People should also annotate why they friend you. There are a couple people who've friended me -- I can't even work out where we crossed paths.
found this trolling through comments in Neil Gaiman's lj:
I fear I may abuse it.
There are a couple people who've friended me -- I can't even work out where we crossed paths.
We met here, ita. Remember?